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Reconciliation Week 2014

It’s fair to say that we were all busy throughout this significant week. There has been many opportunities to say “Hey, we care about RECONCILIATION in this country”. On one hand it’s exciting to see there are organisations and individuals who have been making a conscious effort to listen, learn and bring about change. It’s great to know that there are people who are prepared to move from talk to action.   On the other hand it is a reminder that we have a long way to go. Aboriginal people are cynical (and with good reason)… Many non- Aboriginal people don’t see the point… There are even those who believe in the living God who feel and act the same way. There’s a long way to go but I want to thank and encourage those new pioneers who are prepared to reach out and make a difference. Keep walking the talk!

A few highlights –

Mark Riches sharing at his old school and Nat Gilbert honoured the Lord as they launched a reconciliation themed commissioned artwork Jandamarra. (Mark with the Principal and the Mayor).

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Francine was the quest speaker at the Council Staff Reconciliation event. It was great to see many of our friends from church represented as part of the Reconciliation Group. Beth Maplestone from Maribyrnong Council is placing her written thoughts onto a reconciliation art piece which we made a few years ago.

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Pastor Denis Atkinson spoke at the Salvation Army National Headquarters for the blessing of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags. He gave some great insights into the issues that have shaped the nation and what God can do to reshape it! Uncle Vince Ross led proceedings.

Commissioner Floyd Tidd, Vince and Enid Ross, Denis and Maureen Atkinson, Tony Riches, Major Pam Marshall.


The Shrine of Remembrance served as the backdrop for the Annual Indigenous servicemen’s ceremony. Ps. Atkinson shared some thoughts around citizenship and led the event with a blessing. Students from the Worowa School sang Bura Fera etc. Uncle Roy and Aunty May were also part of this important day.

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‘Dreamtime at the G’ is always a great community reconciliation event and we were able to go again thanks to a favourite Uncle. Mark and I were able to hear Australian of the year, Adam Goodes…Oh!..and there was a Premier and Prime Minister there as well!


Weds. night Bible study was a great time with 10 of us enjoying time around the book of Isaiah. Sunday at Thornbury, as always, was a great time of Fellowship and at the Footscray Night Service we had some faithful supporters and a large group from Gisborne CoC. It was again a great time of enjoying practical reconciliation under the Hand of blessing of our ONE FATHER!



Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.




One thought on “Reconciliation Week 2014

  1. Great work Tony & Francine. It must be such an honour to watch your son follow your lead in community work. Thank you for your commitment to your faith, your ongoing community work & awareness raising of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander history and ongoing marginalisation. You both definately “Walk the Talk”.

    Posted by Shirli | June 2, 2014, 4:53 pm

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